How to develop creativity skills through gamification

Creativity is an elusive skill that is hard to define as well, since there is no universal scale on what is creative or what is not. At the same time, it is a highly demanded skill and appears on many of the lists of the most demanded skills by the labour market. Increasingly, many companies demand workers capable of providing disruptive solutions to everyday problems; or workers capable of thinking outside the box.
We tend to think of creativity as an innate skill, but the ability to think creatively can be trained, just as we learn new languages. Being a creative person goes beyond of having artistic skills, for example, a creative person does not provide a single solution for a problem, it generates a range of alternative approaches.
S4EG project will produce a board game to help you increase your creativity skills, but since then, there a few tips you can put into practice to become a more creative person:

1. Learn something new.
From a new sport or a new language, continuous learning will maintain your brain in shape and will help you to apply new knowledge into everyday activities.
2. Approach the problems from a different perspective.
Frist thing to do is to gather all the information you already have. Then, try to think about the most obvious solution and from there, think on alternative solutions. Sketching your ideas, it may help you to visualize the possible solutions. Asking new questions, instead of looking for new answers, consider changing the types of questions you ask
3. Play games, puzzles and physical sports.
Games and puzzles can help you to flex your brain. Physical sports that are played in teams also help to improve creativity as you need to map your opponents’ moves and react on that. S4EG project will soon release 6 board games that will allow you to develop skill for employment, including creativity.
4. Look for the creativity hidden inside your daily work:
Linda Hill, co-author of “Collective Genius,” has studied some of the world’s most creative companies to come up with a set of tools and tactics to keep great ideas flowing — from everyone in the company, not just the designated “creatives.”
Linda Hill- How to manage for collective creativity
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