Skills For Employment


Skills For Employment: Acquiring employment skills in adult education through Gamification

S4EGaming project started its activities on November 2020!

What will be produced?

  • Needs analysis on gamification strategies for upgrading employment skills of adult learners. A digital material will contain articles, publications, studies and practical applications for the use of games in adult education.
  • 6 serious games for raising employment skills. The creation of 6 serious games in physical and digital form for adult education purposes, using 6 key competences or soft skills.
  • Educational program for the acquisition of employment skills through educational games for adult trainers. This program equip the educators with gamifications skills needed to assess and implement serious games as part of adult education process.
  • Collection of Case Studies, namely good practice examples on implementation of gamification in education organizations at different levels with specific aim at adult education cases.

  Target Audiences

Direct target groups

of the project are:

  • adult educators and associations of adult education organizations;
  • participants in lifelong learning;
  • professionals in adult education;
  • adult learners.

Indirect target groups

of the project are:

  • educational institutions,
  • social care and employment services,
  • youth organisations,
  • policy makers

S4EGaming will be implemented by six partners from Slovenia, Greece, France, Cyprus, Germany and Spain.

Stay with us for more news about our project!

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